If you hate Sunday nights, learn these 4 principles

Posted on Mar 30, 2021

scheduling in day planner

Do you hate Sunday nights because you can’t stop thinking about how much you dread going to work?

Is it getting harder to put on a happy face for your team? Maybe you feel tired and frustrated, but also trapped, having no idea what you want to do instead.

If so, you’ve probably taken career assessments, read about finding your life purpose, or asked mentors for ideas. You browse job sites aimlessly, sign up for training you might not use, or simply pour yourself into your work until you’re too busy to notice your feelings.

The reason you still don’t know what you want, despite your determination, is because resistance is blocking you from hearing your own wisdom about your right next steps. Once you resolve this at its root cause, you’ll be able to easily create an enjoyable, fulfilling work life.

This task is not as daunting as it may sound. I’ve found that there are 4 overarching principles that make career satisfaction totally doable:

  1. Know the Joy Of Missing Out. What we’re really after isn’t a thing or an outcome, but a feeling state.
  2. Drop the BS. Your thoughts cause emotions, which drive your actions, which impact your situation. Most of your stress, therefore, is caused by your beliefs rather than circumstances.
  3. Pay attention. Being present to what is provides a wealth of information about your right next steps.
  4. Use puppy paws. It’s impossible to know with certainty what you want by simply thinking harder about it. Clarity comes from taking consistent, imperfect action.

When you live by these principles, you’ll find that you’re not only happier with your work life, but with your whole life.

To show you how, I created Career Clarity, a two-month eCourse experience.

“With Mandy’s help, I am now doing work that I truly enjoy! The homework helped me learn more about myself and will continue to be good resources for me to look back on.”


The training was eye opening, to say the least.


This is a great course. The platform is easy to navigate and work through. The content, look, and feel of the course is awesome! And I appreciated hearing your professional and personal experiences.


I highly recommend Coach Kubicek. The most valuable parts of the course for me were the exercises that made me think through what I want, where before I wouldn’t have been able to answer what was important to me. Also, I really like the “agile” process feel to this course.


Click to learn more. We start this Thursday, April 1. (No joke.)