A 1-month consulting package to tighten your lead magnet so it’s incredibly simple, powerful, and engaging, and takes your conversions from okay to well above average
Your lead magnets are good. They could be great.
You’re not one to settle. When it comes to your free webinars, video series, and other live and pre-recorded opt-ins, you want to easily convey your message in a way that’s
- Stunningly clear to your ideal audience,
- Creates engagement, and
- Brings that tightly messaged, high-end vibe to your work.
I want that for you, too.
Let’s create a dramatic increase in conversion from your free content.
You can clarify and tighten up your message without having to figure out where it’s off or what to say instead—I’ll show you exactly what to change, why, and how.
This is my superpower. I use it professionally and in my personal life.
A couple of years ago, I was standing in the long restroom line at my husband’s employer’s annual holiday party. As my spouse’s coworker and I got to chatting, she gushed about him being a talented speaker. I agreed—my husband gives spectacular presentations. And I know the secret weapon he’s applying.
Every few months or so, as a Senior Product Director at a tech company, Bob presents to an audience of dozens (or hundreds) of coworkers about his team’s strategy and results. Those mornings, you’ll inevitably find him working from his makeshift home office at our dining room table, wearing nothing but pajama pants. I’ll be sitting in a chair beside the table admiring his thick chest hair. Green tea in hand, I’ll watch him practice, then tap into my information-organizing superpower. I quickly show him how to simplify and add clarifying context, taking his delivery from solid to exceptionally clear and engaging.
You can utilize this secret weapon, too. Your lead magnets, presentations, and other content can be fun, memorable, and even life changing. Especially since what you have to share is likely more thrilling to your ideal clients than my husband’s strategic updates are to his coworkers. 🤪 Plus, it can convert at much higher rates so that the next time you log into your Stripe dashboard, you see twice as many sales.
Here’s what one LMSM client, a 6-figure life coach & published author, recently shared:
Your gut is telling you that your lead magnet could be making far more sales than the industry average.
You might not know why your conversions are the industry standard 2% when your gut is telling you that 10 or 20% of these people want to say Yes to more from you. This is totally normal. One of the hardest things about being an expert sharing her wisdom is that it’s hard to remember the beginner’s journey. It can be impossible to see where a newbie is likely to get stuck when you’ve been integrating the information for years. Or, you might know that your audience struggles with a particular element, and you don’t know how to simplify it.
If you’re in this position and don’t yet see the path forward, I have great news.
When I look at other people’s presentations and training content, this path reveals itself to me. Typically, all it takes is a little tidying up so that a beginner can feel safe staying on the journey from their worldview to yours.
I created the Lead Magnet Sales Multiplier so that your expertise can reach all of the people who need it. Like an editor who helps mold an author’s work into a widely-enjoyed finished book, I will help your creativity shine in a way that’s easier for your ideal people to connect with. It will be incredibly simple, powerful, and engaging, which will take your conversions from okay to well above average.
Because, screw average!
“At first, I didn’t see much value in working on my evergreen lead magnets (even though I spend a lot of money on Facebook ads!) because they aren’t getting me sales. But you helped me be more intentional and see them as assets. The structure you added is SO helpful. You took a vague concept and made it concrete. This will definitely shorten the work to take a new subscriber to a client.”
Christina Johnson, Transformational Wellness Coach
Lead Magnet Sales Multiplier
A 1-month consulting package to tighten your lead magnet so it’s incredibly simple, powerful, and engaging, and takes your conversions from okay to well above average
🪄 Here’s the magic we’ll create together.
As a result of this program, you’ll get:
- More engagement so your people stick around to the end
- A high-quality, tightly-messaged product that aligns with your paid offers and appeals to the right people
- Evidence-based confidence in your lead magnet which will effortlessly improve your delivery
- Renewed excitement for your opt-in so you can easily promote it in a way that gets you more sign-ups from ideal clients
- Resolved mindset/emotional blocks so you can expand what’s possible for you and your business and create an even more soul-aligned company
- Higher conversions of your most important call-to-action as a result of all of the above
- Saved time with this revision, with future lead magnets, and with other forms of content
Whether you want to work less or earn more (or both), I’ll help you get the best conversions you can from your free content, so you can scale your business.
🎯 How it works
To create a dramatic increase in conversions from one free webinar, live presentation, video series, or other lead-generating content, I’ll give you a comprehensive makeover plan that you can easily implement to enjoy higher participation, engagement, and conversions.
Here’s what this looks like:
WEEK 1 – Quick Kick-Off
You’ll provide some information about and materials for 1 lead magnet (such as a 50-minute webinar, similarly-sized video series, or pdf workbook).
You also have the option to schedule a 1:1 call if you’d like my help choosing which opt-in and call-to-action to prioritize.
WEEKS 2 & 3 – Done-for-You Optimization Analysis
I’ll dive in while you serve your clients, pursue a new income stream, or take extra naps.
The scope of my review will include these core areas:
- Goal alignment (a clear path leads from title/promise to call-to-action)
- Format (covers common learning styles)
- Structure and transitions (crystal clear and inspires them to keep going)
- Copy/language (simple instead of expert lingo, concrete examples)
- Storytelling (vivid++, relevant, trust-building, inclusive)
- Visuals (value-add and not distracting)
- Engagement opportunities (consistently integrated, doable, and enjoyable)
- Fear settling (addresses limiting beliefs around the outcome you’re selling)
You’ll receive your optimization via the following deliverables:
- A written summary that includes concise and actionable feedback on your strengths and top opportunities
- Marked-up materials with comments that explain what to change and why, so you can apply these insights to your future lead magnets and other content
- New or revised copy and/or talking points that you can use as-is or adjust with any final edits
- New memorable models as needed (such as a visual framework, metaphor, or acronym) to describe key concepts unique to your work
- A concise supplemental video to clarify my feedback with screen sharing, when useful
You are great at what you do and have powerful content ideas. If you’re not yet seeing the results of your dreams, your lead magnet just needs a little pruning. These adjustments will increase your conversion rate because you’ll capture and hold their attention, prevent confusion, and make your lessons easy and fun to digest—all of which help them feel safe saying Yes to more from you.
WEEK 4 – Implementation Call
The purpose of this session is to support your launch by answering your questions and coaching you through any hiccups as you apply my sales-multiplying suggestions.
Coaching is integrated throughout this program, and especially on our call(s). As a Certified Life Coach (I’ve trained with Martha Beck and Byron Katie), we’ll go deep to the root cause of any challenges while keeping things light and moving fast. I’ll call out any limiting beliefs or suppressed emotions that show up and help you navigate these growth opportunities.
In the past, these implementation conversations have covered everything from brainstorming photography sources to landing on deep, empowering ahas (like my client who realized she wanted to share her Christianity inclusively instead of watering down her beliefs, which energized her message big time.)
“I was lucky enough to work with Mandy on lead magnet analysis. Her step-by-step process helped me to take this daunting project and get it done. Updating my lead magnet was important but not urgent, something I wouldn’t have prioritized without Mandy’s help. When I reviewed her notes, I literally said, ‘Wow!’ out loud because they were so helpful. She did the heavy lifting with her on-point analysis.
My email series is much stronger with her suggested changes. I definitely recommend this process to other coaches and authors.“
– Caroline Garnet McGraw, author, You Don’t Owe Anyone: Free Yourself from the Weight of Expectations
🫱🏻🫲🏽 Invest in your marketing assets & see your engagement soar
This program is in Early Access, which means you get a big discount in exchange for your honest and enthusiastic testimonial.
Early Access price: $2,400 $1,200 (50% off, subject to change)
Once you purchase, I’ll email you within 1 business day with your next steps.
If you’d like to talk through anything first, you can schedule time for us to chat here. One way my clients have used this time is to get my help deciding which lead magnet to optimize.
✅ Who this program is for
- You’re a course creator, coach, or other entrepreneur actively promoting your high-value products & services online.
- You’ve already created and published at least one lead magnet, and probably many over the years.
- You’d like to see higher conversions, such as 60+% joining your free online community, 25+% booking sales calls, etc.
- You don’t want to waste any more time spinning your wheels with edits because you know it would be a better, more efficient use of your time to recruit expert help. (Activities like writing and distilling complex information aren’t your superpowers, OR you’ve noticed that using these talents to promote your own work isn’t as effective as when you’re doing it for someone else.)
- You’re enthusiastic about receiving direct feedback on your content and delivery, as well as coaching if/when limiting beliefs and unexpressed emotions reveal themselves.
- AS AN EARLY INVITEE – You’re willing to apply the provided feedback in a way that feels authentic to you and promote your free offer so that we can measure your results within 2-3 months after our work together.
❌ Who this program is not for
- You’re an entrepreneur who hasn’t yet created and delivered a free presentation or other lead magnet for your current business.
- You need someone to plan, design, and write your content for you.
- You’re mostly looking for video editing, graphic design, or other audio/video production skills, rather than enhancement of the lead magnet content itself.
- You’re not excited about getting direct feedback about how to simplify, adjust, and enhance your work.
- You don’t plan to promote and deliver this lead magnet in the next 2-3 months.
“OMG, you are the best feedback-giver ever!! This will make the piece so much stronger!”
SB, Leadership Coach and Facilitator
It’s time to easily call in more of your dream clients.
Our work together will have a massive impact on you, your audience, and your bank account. You’ll spend way less time at your laptop tweaking slideshows, see your audience’s eyeballs while you’re presenting instead of their shaded lids, and get more inquiries in your inbox without more hours of strategic audience-expanding Facebooking. You’ll also provide your people with long-lasting value, whether they buy or not.
Five or six years ago, a colleague lent me the book Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. There was one metaphor she shared that I still remember and use. She suggests we think of prayer as being a vinegar and oil salad dressing. You know how they separate, the rich oil dropping below the acidic vinegar? Prayer-like practices are potent when, instead of pretending that the vinegar (fear, negativity, judgment) isn’t there, you allow it to pour out. This gives the oil (love, truth, beauty) a chance to rise to the surface. Every so often, when I sit down for my morning free-write, I remember this image and feel motivated. And, as I’m doing now, I share the image and its source with others.
This is the kind of powerful imagery you can infuse into your work, too, to make a lasting impact on your clients for years into the future—even with something as “small” as a lead magnet.
At the end of the day, no one will remember your smart, alliterative tagline. But they will remember the story you told about your burly, shirtless husband practicing his presentation. This is one of the ways we’ll tighten your message and inspire more of your ideal clients to invest with you.
👋🏻 Hi, I’m Mandy Kubicek (she/her).
I’m known for bringing clarity to chaos.
When I started my career as a Software Engineer, I stood out for my ability to bridge communication gaps. This pattern of distilling, simplifying, and clarifying continued whether I was delivering inspiring strategic plans as Head of Product at a high-growth tech startup, or coaching hundreds of high-achieving and dissatisfied women with my unique Agile-inspired Love Monday Method. I’ve also authored two successful creative nonfiction books.
No matter the context, I nimbly dive into complex information and bring simplicity to the surface.
A lifelong learner and navel-gazer, I’m a Certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach, have staffed the Byron Katie School for the Work, and have an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. I’m excited to learn from you, too!
❔Frequently Asked Questions❔
What if I’m not trying to get sales from my lead magnet? I want some other form of engagement.
Perfect! Our goal is to increase your engagement and conversions. When I say conversions, I mean the % of people who take the action you MOST want them to take. Often this is money in the bank (by increasing the % of people who book a sales call & maintaining your sales close rates, for example.) Sometimes, this is a few funnel steps away from a sale, like having them join your Facebook group or other online community.
Don’t worry—before we get started, we’ll talk through the ideal CTA. We’ll also work through any mindset muck that might be getting in the way of asking for what you really want.
How big/long can my lead magnet be?
This program is perfect for bite-sized free content that maxes out at about 1 hour of video. If you want to improve more than one lead magnet, great! We’ll focus on one at a time so you can deliver value ASAP.
Will you look at my email series?
Yes, as part of Lead Magnet Sales Magnifier, I’ll edit the email sequence that accompanies your lead magnet in order to maximize your conversion rate. This sometimes includes writing an additional email or two, HOWEVER I don’t dream up and write entirely new email sequences. (If this is something you want, I have a brilliant colleague who writes high-converting email foundation sequences. This tends to be a 6-month one-on-one engagement: Sandra Halling, The Data Mavens.)
Can we work on my eCourse, too?
Absolutely! I’d love to create powerful and memorable models for your work. If you have educational content with ~2+ hours of video material, whether in draft or final form, my eCourse program would be great for you. Email me to learn more: CoachKubicek@gmail.com.
📩 Get my free checklist, 6 Easy Lead Magnet Edits for More Sales
Do you adore writing and content design, and want to try a DIY approach first? Or just want to learn more about my content philosophy?
Download my free resource, 6 Easy Lead Magnet Edits for More Sales.
💕 More love from my badass clients
“Mandy is a brilliant coach. Without fail, I come away from our sessions together invigorated with fresh perspective and renewed faith in my abilities.” —Teagan Miller, Life Coach and Tarot Reader
“Mandy makes everything really easy for clients. She has an amazing presence and makes it fun. I would select Mandy to work with again.”
—Sara Hanson, Realtor
“Mandy helped me prioritize and make my classes a thing! My income immediately increased. I loved the time I spent with Mandy!”
—Annie Graterra, Owner/Founder at Annie Graterra Soul Healing
“Working with Mandy was truly an incredible experience. And my business has been able to grow!”
—Lindsay Wolfe, Google & Social Media Ads Expert