Clear Coaching Content (weekly videos)
Each week I share tips, techniques, and examples to help you make your educational content clearer and more engaging so you get the business results you want, like twice the sales calls from your lead magnets and raving eCourse fans who refer new clients.
Check out my YouTube channel. If you dig it, subscribe to be notified as soon as a new video is available.
6 Easy Lead Magnet Edits for More Sales (checklist)
Ready to dive in and level up your content? Or just want to learn more about my content philosophy?
Download my free resource, 6 Easy Lead Magnet Edits for More Sales. In it, I share my proven framework for easily increasing engagement and conversions with your live webinars, evergreen videos, pdfs, and other free content, by giving your people what they most need: safety.

Clarity Cards (printable)
Here’s a fun one from my career coaching days! Good questions never get old, amirite?
You already have the wisdom you seek. The questions on these 40 self-coaching cards will help you access it.
Each question helps with one of the following intentions:
- Get Unstuck | Reclaim your momentum when struggling to make a change.
- Decide Your Next Step | Move forward on an existing goal with confidence.
- Snap Out of It | When facing a challenge, feel peaceful and empowered again.
- Think Bigger | Focus on what matters most in this moment.
Click here to download your free Clarity Cards. (No email required)
More ways to learn
Dig videos? Check out my YouTube channel.
Like to listen? Make your next commute or workout a bit more fun and inspiring with some oldies but goodies.
Prefer to read short-form? Join my email list for tips on effective content design, starting with my popular 6 Easy Lead Magnet Edits for More Sales.

Preview my memoir
“Mandy Kubicek is a sheer joy to read.” –Hope Edelman, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Motherless Daughters and The Aftergrief
Get the first chapters of my October 2023 book, I Killed Mom and Other Lies: A Memoir of Early Loss, from Glad Panda Press.
Click here to learn what others are saying and download your free preview immediately.