Have you ever listened to people tell their near-death experience stories?
It’s one of my relatively new favorites on YouTube. There’s both uniqueness and consistency in their stories, and while other explanations are possible, I choose to believe them. It feels good. It gives me hope that this awkward physical human thing we’re doing isn’t the whole story, and that the peacefulness I chase is there on the other side, available when the time is right.
One woman came back having received (and then wrote a book about) The 5 Lessons of Life. They’re worthwhile, within or without this NDE context:
Compassion. Forgiveness. Faith. Trust. Unconditional love.
When you scan this list, which word or phrase jumps out?
How could you embody a little more of that quality today, this week, this month?
Maybe you’ll read about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and feel COMPASSION for everyone involved.
You might want to let go of a grudge against a coworker or write a never-to-be-mailed apology letter to FORGIVE yourself.
Is there a decision you can stop analyzing and feel FAITHful that God/the Universe/chance will sort it out best?
It might be time to slow down and TRUST your inner knowing about what you need and want (a nap, a new relationship, a glass of water, an unpopular lifestyle change…)
Or perhaps sitting still for a minute each morning and giving yourself UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is exactly what you need.
Decide which lesson you’ll focus on and how, then feel free to reach out and let me know. Safely sharing intentions is a practical way to strengthen their power.
Photo by Rahul Pandit