What apple trees are teaching us about marketing
Last autumn, the couple who we bought land from drove by the property and immediately called us. “We haven’t seen that many apples on those trees in years! What did you do?” I adore my new (to me) tree babies! For the past few seasons, we’ve been pruning away the dead, overlapping, and weaker limbs, […]
Read on9 fun & mind-stretching books to read or gift
Are you looking for your next read or creative book gift ideas? This year, I’ve read over 40 books. My faves are life-improving nonfiction, memoirs of marginalized voices, psychological thrillers (when I have the emotional capacity), and lighthearted fiction (which, apart from romance, seem rare.) Here are some of the best books I read in […]
Read onWhich of these 5 life lessons is yours?
Have you ever listened to people tell their near-death experience stories? This woman, briefly in Heaven, learned these 5 life lessons. Which is yours?
Read on5 quick ways to boost your productivity at work
We know that we have to take care of our basic needs before we can effectively accomplish the bigger stuff. But in practice, we often attempt to tackle complex work while ignoring these “little” things: thirst, a headache, needing a nap, even needing to pee. Everything becomes easier when we flip this script. Everything becomes […]
Read onWould you rather: good enough or dream job?
“In the United States, how we make money has become shorthand for who we are.” Oof. I recently finished The Good Enough Job by Simone Stolzoff, which was recommended to me by midwestern author and cancer survivor Serenity Bohon. So many takeaways! TL;DR: Work used to be a simple exchange of labor for money. Now, to the extreme benefit […]
Read on5 quick questions to troubleshoot your stress
Sound familiar? Rushing to the bathroom between back-to-back conference calls. Staring at a long list of unfinished to-dos at the end of the week. Venting to a friend about my annoying boss/coworker. Where did my peace go? I’ve been employed for a year now, after 4 years of being my own boss. It’s such a […]
Read onBlisters, bawling, and another Bucket List item completed
I want to tell you a quick story, and it begins 5 years ago. I sat in a camping chair near clusters of other supporters, wiping sweat from my forehead and waiting for my husband to pass by again. Bob was running 3-mile loops as part of a 6-hour trail race. Long before we arrived, […]
Read onScrew giving 100%
How do you define success, professionally or otherwise? My new definition of success, as I told my therapist recently, is to give max 85% (instead of 110%.) Success is giving no more than 85%. I enjoy working, but I don’t want to sacrifice my health. I want to stop striving for the mythical straight A+’s […]
Read on9 self-care gift ideas for high-achieving women
For many of us, this time of year means gift-giving season. So what can you buy that might tangibly improve your loved one’s lives? I can’t speak for everyone on your list, but for high-achieving women like myself, I have some ideas! We’re the ones who tend to need reminders to slow down and give […]
Read onHow to make a decision when you feel stuck
Feeling stuck and wondering how to make a decision? The trick is to time travel. Yup, time travel. When you’re trying to decide between 2 or more options, it really helps. Let me explain. Do you feel stuck? Let’s say, for instance, you’re changing employers and have 2 job offers to consider. You’ve asked all […]
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